Things I Learned from Working at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary

I currently am employed at at medical marijuana dispensary and have worked there for about a year. I learned many things working here.

1. People from all ages have medical marijuana. I have seen patients as young as 9-months to as old as almost a whole century.

2. Almost everyone wants the highest THC dry leaf. Most customers ask for the highest THC sativa or indica. Most people just want to get as high as possible, so the highest THC dry leaf strains sell out first.

3. The hours are long. It is a customer service / sales job so you have the be friendly and upbeat all day. It can be tiring after a while. 

4. People will stalk the menu and wait for shipments. Customers will stalk the menu until their favorite grower arrives. Some people will even call the store and ask if we got a shipment from a certain grower.

5. People want cheap weed. The cheapest products always sell the fastest. After the highest THC, the cheapest products the second most popular to sell. 

6. I learned about most of the cannabis terpenes and cannabinoids. 

7. THC is not everything. Sometimes a strain with slightly lower THC may feel better than a high THC strain. Sometimes a lower THC strain can have better terpenes and taste and feel better. 

8. Not everyone feels the effects of edibles. Some people are born without the enzyme to process edibles. Some customers tell me they can take a whole 1 gram syringe of high THC Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) and not feel a thing. Some people may just be born with less of the enzyme, and will need more of the edible to feel the effects.

9. People will get angry if we have a certain strain in stock. Even if I recommend a very similar strain, people will still get angry if we sell out of the specific strain they had wanted.

10. Everybody wants to be your friend when you work at a dispensary. Customers think they can get special deals or better products if they are extra nice and try to be your friend. 

11. Your friends will expect you to bring good products every time you hang out. Everyone at the party will expect you to have something good if you work at a dispensary.

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